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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description CompareTemplateOutputHandler Compares the output of a parsed license template to text.CompareTemplateOutputHandler.DifferenceDescription Information obout any difference foundConfiguration The configuration class for the Spdx-Java-LibraryCrossRefJson JSON Representation of a CrossRefDownloadCache Flexible download cache for the rest of the libraryExceptionJson Simple POJO to hold the license exception data loaded from a JSON fileExceptionJsonTOC Table of Contents for the listed license list as represented as a JSON index file at ExtendedSpdxStore A simple abstract SPDX store that stores everything in an underlying model store which is initialized in the constructor.ExternalMapInfo Information about an ExternalMap captured from an ExternalDocumentRefFilterTemplateOutputHandler Deprecated. TheTemplateRegexMatcher
class should be used in place of this class.FilterTemplateOutputHandler.OptionalTextHandling FilterTemplateOutputHandler.VarTextHandling IFileChecksumGenerator Interface for implementations of generators of file checksumsIListedLicenseStore Extends the model store to include interfaces specific to listed licensesInMemSpdxStore In memory implementation of an SPDX storeISpdxConverter Interface for classes that can convert from one SPDX spec version to anotherJavaSha1ChecksumGenerator Java sha1 checksum generator using MessageDigestLicenseCompareHelper Primarily a static class of helper functions for comparing two SPDX licensesLicenseCreationInfo Creation information for the listed license storeLicenseCreatorAgent Storage for the creator agent of the license listLicenseExpressionParser A parser for the SPDX License Expressions as documented in the SPDX appendixLicenseInfoFactory Factory for creating SPDXLicenseInfo objects from a Jena modelLicenseJson Simple POJO to hold the license data loaded from a JSON fileLicenseJsonTOC Table of Contents for the listed license list as represented as a JSON index file at LicenseParserException Exception thrown when there is an error during the parsing of SPDX license informationListedLicenses Singleton class which holds the listed licensesModelCopyManager This class helps facilitate copying objects from one model to another.Spdx2to3Converter Converts SPDX spec version 2.X objects to SPDX spec version 3.X and stores the result in the toModelStoreSpdx3Example Example which creates an SBOM from scratch NOTE: Snippets from this file are used in the file - any changes to this file should update the fileSpdxCompareException Exception thrown when there is an error during the comparison of SPDX documentsSpdxComparer Performs a comparison between two or more SPDX documents and holds the results of the comparisonSpdxConversionException Exception thrown when there is an error during the conversion of SPDX documentsSpdxExternalRefDifference Contains information on differences between two different External Refs.SpdxFileComparer Compares two SPDX filesSpdxFileDifference Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDX files with the same nameSpdxItemComparer Compares two SPDX itemsSpdxItemDifference Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDX items with the same nameSpdxLicenseDifference Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDX non-standard licensesSpdxListedLicenseLocalStore Model store for listed licenses using the JSON files in the resources/stdlicenses directory.SpdxListedLicenseModelStore Read-only model store for the SPDX listed licensesSpdxListedLicenseWebStore SpdxModelFactory Main entrypoint for the SPDX Java LibrarySpdxPackageComparer Compares two SPDX package.SpdxSnippetComparer Compares two SPDX snippetsSpdxV2ListedLicenseModelStore Model store for generating SPDX version 2.X listed license and listed exceptionsSpdxV3ListedLicenseModelStore Model store for generating SPDX version 3.X listed license and listed exceptionsStoredTypedItem Individual item to be stored in memoryTemplateRegexMatcher Constructs a regular expression from a license or exception template and provide a matching method to see if code matching the template exists within the text providedVerificationCodeGenerator Generates a package verification code from a directory of source code or an array ofSPDXFile