Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description Utility classes for comparing SPDX model objects -
Classes in used by Class Description CompareTemplateOutputHandler.DifferenceDescription Information obout any difference foundFilterTemplateOutputHandler.OptionalTextHandling Deprecated.FilterTemplateOutputHandler.VarTextHandling Deprecated.SpdxCompareException SpdxExternalRefDifference Contains information on differences between two different External Refs.SpdxFileDifference Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDX files with the same nameSpdxItemComparer Compares two SPDX items.SpdxItemDifference Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDX items with the same nameSpdxLicenseDifference Contains the results of a comparison between two SPDX non-standard licenses where the license text is equivalent and the license comment, license ID, or other fields are differentSpdxPackageComparer Compares two SPDX package.SpdxSnippetComparer Compares two SPDX snippets.