Package org.spdx.core

Class NotEquivalentReason

  • public class NotEquivalentReason
    extends Object
    Records details when two model objects are compared and are determined to not be equivalent

    Primarily used for debugging.

    Gary O'Neall
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotEquivalentReason

        public NotEquivalentReason​(NotEquivalentReason.NotEquivalent reason)
        Constructs a NotEquivalentReason with the specified reason.
        reason - the reason why the objects are not equivalent
      • NotEquivalentReason

        public NotEquivalentReason​(NotEquivalentReason.NotEquivalent reason,
                                   PropertyDescriptor property)
        Constructs a NotEquivalentReason with the specified reason and property.
        reason - the reason why the objects are not equivalent
        property - the property descriptor associated with the reason