CoreModelObject |
Superclass for all SPDX model objects
CoreModelObject.CoreModelObjectBuilder |
Base builder class for all model objects
DefaultStoreNotInitializedException |
Exception where the default store is used before it has been initialized
IExternalElementInfo |
Information about an Element which is external to the collection or store
IModelCopyManager |
Implementation classes of this interface helps facilitate copying objects from one model to another.
IndividualUriValue |
Implementation classes of the IndividualUriValue stores
a single URI value
InvalidSPDXAnalysisException |
Exception for invalid SPDX Documents
ISpdxModelInfo |
Interface for SPDX model information
ModelCollection |
Collection of elements stored in a ModelStore
ModelRegistry |
Singleton class which contains a registry of SPDX model versions
ModelRegistryException |
Exceptions related to a model registry
ModelSet |
A ModelCollection implemented as a set where all items in the collection are unique based
on equality (not based on equivalence).
NotEquivalentReason.NotEquivalent |
Enum representing the reasons why two model objects are not equivalent.
SpdxCoreConstants.SpdxMajorVersion |
Enumeration representing the major versions of the SPDX specification
SpdxInvalidIdException |
Invalid SPDX identifier
SpdxInvalidTypeException |
Invalid type for an SPDX property
TypedValue |
Value which is a stored typed item