Use of Specification - Terms, Conditions & Notices

Copyright © 2010-2024, The Linux Foundation and its Contributors, including SPDX Model contributions from OMG and its Contributors.

This work is licensed under the Community Specification License 1.0 (Community-Spec-1.0). Pre-existing portions of this work from copyright holders who have not subsequently contributed under the Community-Spec-1.0 are provided under Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0). Copies of these licenses are reproduced in their entirety herein.


SPDX® is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.


Use of the SPDX trademarks is subject to the SPDX Trademark License, currently available at SPDX Legal Notices page.

Software developed under the terms of the licenses under which this specification is issued may claim compliance or conformance with this specification if and only if the software provider complies with the SPDX Trademark License given above.