

Provides the license under which the SPDX documentation of the Element can be used.


The data license provides the license under which the SPDX documentation of the Element can be used.

This is to alleviate any concern that content (the data or database) in an SPDX file is subject to any form of intellectual property right that could restrict the re-use of the information or the creation of another SPDX file for the same project(s).

This approach avoids intellectual property and related restrictions over the SPDX file, however individuals can still contract with each other to restrict release of specific collections of SPDX files (which map to software bill of materials) and the identification of the supplier of SPDX files.

Compliance with this document includes populating the SPDX fields therein with data related to such fields ("SPDX-Metadata").

This document contains numerous fields where an SPDX file creator may provide relevant explanatory text in SPDX-Metadata. Without opining on the lawfulness of "database rights" (in jurisdictions where applicable), such explanatory text is copyrightable subject matter in most Berne Convention countries.

By using the SPDX specification, or any portion hereof, you hereby agree that any copyright rights (as determined by your jurisdiction) in any SPDX-Metadata, including without limitation explanatory text, shall be subject to the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license.

For SPDX-Metadata not containing any copyright rights, you hereby agree and acknowledge that the SPDX-Metadata is provided to you "as-is" and without any representations or warranties of any kind concerning the SPDX-Metadata, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.


Name dataLicense
Nature ObjectProperty
Range /SimpleLicensing/AnyLicenseInfo
