

A mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit string.


A HashAlgorithm is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit string (the hash) and is a one-way function, that is, a function which is practically infeasible to invert.



Name HashAlgorithm


  • adler32: Adler-32 checksum is part of the widely used zlib compression library as defined in RFC 1950 Section 2.3.
  • blake2b256: BLAKE2b algorithm with a digest size of 256, as defined in RFC 7693 Section 4.
  • blake2b384: BLAKE2b algorithm with a digest size of 384, as defined in RFC 7693 Section 4.
  • blake2b512: BLAKE2b algorithm with a digest size of 512, as defined in RFC 7693 Section 4.
  • blake3: BLAKE3
  • crystalsDilithium: Dilithium
  • crystalsKyber: Kyber
  • falcon: FALCON
  • md2: MD2 message-digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 1319.
  • md4: MD4 message-digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 1186.
  • md5: MD5 message-digest algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321.
  • md6: MD6 hash function
  • other: any hashing algorithm that does not exist in this list of entries
  • sha1: SHA-1, a secure hashing algorithm, as defined in RFC 3174.
  • sha224: SHA-2 with a digest length of 224, as defined in RFC 3874.
  • sha256: SHA-2 with a digest length of 256, as defined in RFC 6234.
  • sha384: SHA-2 with a digest length of 384, as defined in RFC 6234.
  • sha3_224: SHA-3 with a digest length of 224, as defined in FIPS 202.
  • sha3_256: SHA-3 with a digest length of 256, as defined in FIPS 202.
  • sha3_384: SHA-3 with a digest length of 384, as defined in FIPS 202.
  • sha3_512: SHA-3 with a digest length of 512, as defined in FIPS 202.
  • sha512: SHA-2 with a digest length of 512, as defined in RFC 6234.