

Enumeration of the valid profiles.


There are a set of profiles that have been defined by a profile team.

A profile consists of a namespace that may add properties and classes to the Core profile unique to the domain covered by the profile.

The profile may also contain additional restrictions on existing properties and classes defined in other profiles.

If the creator of an SPDX collection of elements includes a profile in the list of profileConformance, they are claiming that all contained elements conform to all restrictions defined for that profile.


Name ProfileIdentifierType


  • ai: the element follows the AI profile specification
  • build: the element follows the Build profile specification
  • core: the element follows the Core profile specification
  • dataset: the element follows the Dataset profile specification
  • expandedLicensing: the element follows the ExpandedLicensing profile specification
  • extension: the element follows the Extension profile specification
  • lite: the element follows the Lite profile specification
  • security: the element follows the Security profile specification
  • simpleLicensing: the element follows the SimpleLicensing profile specification
  • software: the element follows the Software profile specification