

Specifies whether an additional text identifier has been marked as deprecated.


The isDeprecatedAdditionId property specifies whether an identifier for a LicenseAddition has been marked as deprecated. If the property is not defined, then it is presumed to be false (i.e., not deprecated).

If the LicenseAddition is included on the SPDX License Exceptions, then the deprecatedVersion property indicates on which version release of the Exceptions List it was first marked as deprecated.

"Deprecated" in this context refers to deprecating the use of the identifier, not the underlying license addition. In other words, even if a LicenseAddition's author or steward has stated that a particular LicenseAddition generally should not be used, that would not mean that the LicenseAddition's identifier is "deprecated." Rather, a LicenseAddition operator is typically marked as "deprecated" when it is determined that use of another identifier is preferable.


Name isDeprecatedAdditionId
Nature DataProperty
Range xsd:boolean
