

Contains a URL where the License or LicenseAddition can be found in use.


A seeAlso defines a cross-reference with a URL where the License or LicenseAddition can be found in use by one or a few projects.

If applicable, it should include a URL where the license text is posted by the license steward, particularly if the license steward has made available a "canonical" primary URL for the license text.

If the license is OSI approved, a seeAlso should be included with the URL for the license's listing on the OSI website.

The seeAlso URL may refer to a previously-available URL for the License or LicenseAddition which is no longer active.

Where applicable, the seeAlso URL should include the license text in its native language. seeAlso URLs to English or other translations may be included where multiple, equivalent official translations exist.


Name seeAlso
Nature DataProperty
Range xsd:anyURI
