

Provides a place for the SPDX data creator to record acknowledgement text for a software Package, File or Snippet.


An attributionText for a software Package, File or Snippet provides a consumer of SPDX data with acknowledgement content, to assist redistributors of the Package, File or Snippet with reproducing those acknowledgements.

For example, this field may include a statement that is required by a particular license to be reproduced in end-user documentation, advertising materials, or another form.

This field may describe where, or in which contexts, the acknowledgements need to be reproduced, but it is not required to do so. The SPDX data creator may also explain elsewhere (such as in a comment field) how they intend for data in this field to be used.

An attributionText is not meant to include the software Package, File or Snippet's actual complete license text. Use hasConcludedLicense to identify the corresponding license.


Name attributionText
Nature DataProperty
Range xsd:string
