

Identifies the text of one or more copyright notices for a software Package, File or Snippet, if any.


A copyrightText consists of the text(s) of the copyright notice(s) found for a software Package, File or Snippet, if any.

If a copyrightText contains text, then it may contain any text related to one or more copyright notices (even if not complete) for that software Package, File or Snippet.

If a copyrightText has a "NONE" value, this indicates that the software Package, File or Snippet contains no copyright notice whatsoever.

If a copyrightText has a "NOASSERTION" value, this indicates that one of the following applies:

  • the SPDX data creator has attempted to but cannot reach a reasonable objective determination;
  • the SPDX data creator has made no attempt to determine this field; or
  • the SPDX data creator has intentionally provided no information (no meaning should be implied by doing so).

If a copyrightText is present, but consists of solely an empty string or a string with no substantive content (e.g., a string that contains only whitespace), then this should be interpreted as equivalent to a "NOASSERTION" value as described above.


Name copyrightText
Nature DataProperty
Range xsd:string
