

Provides a set of values to be used to describe the common types of SBOMs that tools may create.


The set of SBOM types with definitions as defined in Types of Software Bill of Material (SBOM) Documents, published on April 21, 2023.

An SBOM type describes the most likely type of an SBOM from the producer perspective, so that consumers can draw conclusions about the data inside an SBOM.

A single SBOM can have multiple SBOM document types associated with it.


Name SbomType


  • analyzed: SBOM generated through analysis of artifacts (e.g., executables, packages, containers, and virtual machine images) after its build. Such analysis generally requires a variety of heuristics. In some contexts, this may also be referred to as a "3rd party" SBOM.
  • build: SBOM generated as part of the process of building the software to create a releasable artifact (e.g., executable or package) from data such as source files, dependencies, built components, build process ephemeral data, and other SBOMs.
  • deployed: SBOM provides an inventory of software that is present on a system. This may be an assembly of other SBOMs that combines analysis of configuration options, and examination of execution behavior in a (potentially simulated) deployment environment.
  • design: SBOM of intended, planned software project or product with included components (some of which may not yet exist) for a new software artifact.
  • runtime: SBOM generated through instrumenting the system running the software, to capture only components present in the system, as well as external call-outs or dynamically loaded components. In some contexts, this may also be referred to as an "Instrumented" or "Dynamic" SBOM.
  • source: SBOM created directly from the development environment, source files, and included dependencies used to build an product artifact.