

A license that is not listed on the SPDX License List.


A CustomLicense represents a License that is not listed on the SPDX License List, and is therefore defined by an SPDX data creator.


Name CustomLicense
Instantiability Concrete
SubclassOf License

Class hierarchy


All properties

Property Type minCount maxCount
comment xsd:string 0 1
creationInfo CreationInfo 1 1
description xsd:string 0 1
extension Extension 0 *
externalIdentifier ExternalIdentifier 0 *
externalRef ExternalRef 0 *
isDeprecatedLicenseId xsd:boolean 0 1
isFsfLibre xsd:boolean 0 1
isOsiApproved xsd:boolean 0 1
licenseText xsd:string 1 1
licenseXml xsd:string 0 1
name xsd:string 0 1
obsoletedBy xsd:string 0 1
seeAlso xsd:anyURI 0 *
spdxId xsd:anyURI 1 1
standardLicenseHeader xsd:string 0 1
standardLicenseTemplate xsd:string 0 1
summary xsd:string 0 1
verifiedUsing IntegrityMethod 0 *