

Abstract class for the portion of an AnyLicenseInfo representing a license.


A License represents a license text, whether listed on the SPDX License List (ListedLicense) or defined by an SPDX data creator (CustomLicense).


Name License
Instantiability Abstract
SubclassOf ExtendableLicense

Class hierarchy



Property Type minCount maxCount
/SimpleLicensing/licenseText xsd:string 1 1
isDeprecatedLicenseId xsd:boolean 0 1
isFsfLibre xsd:boolean 0 1
isOsiApproved xsd:boolean 0 1
licenseXml xsd:string 0 1
obsoletedBy xsd:string 0 1
seeAlso xsd:anyURI 0 *
standardLicenseHeader xsd:string 0 1
standardLicenseTemplate xsd:string 0 1

All properties

Property Type minCount maxCount
comment xsd:string 0 1
creationInfo CreationInfo 1 1
description xsd:string 0 1
extension Extension 0 *
externalIdentifier ExternalIdentifier 0 *
externalRef ExternalRef 0 *
isDeprecatedLicenseId xsd:boolean 0 1
isFsfLibre xsd:boolean 0 1
isOsiApproved xsd:boolean 0 1
licenseText xsd:string 1 1
licenseXml xsd:string 0 1
name xsd:string 0 1
obsoletedBy xsd:string 0 1
seeAlso xsd:anyURI 0 *
spdxId xsd:anyURI 1 1
standardLicenseHeader xsd:string 0 1
standardLicenseTemplate xsd:string 0 1
summary xsd:string 0 1
verifiedUsing IntegrityMethod 0 *