

Abstract class for additional text intended to be added to a License, but which is not itself a standalone License.


A LicenseAddition represents text which is intended to be added to a License as additional text, but which is not itself intended to be a standalone License.

It may be an exception which is listed on the SPDX License Exceptions (ListedLicenseException), or may be any other additional text (as an exception or otherwise) which is defined by an SPDX data creator (CustomLicenseAddition).


Name LicenseAddition
Instantiability Abstract
SubclassOf /Core/Element

Class hierarchy



Property Type minCount maxCount
additionText xsd:string 1 1
isDeprecatedAdditionId xsd:boolean 0 1
licenseXml xsd:string 0 1
obsoletedBy xsd:string 0 1
seeAlso xsd:anyURI 0 *
standardAdditionTemplate xsd:string 0 1

All properties

Property Type minCount maxCount
additionText xsd:string 1 1
comment xsd:string 0 1
creationInfo CreationInfo 1 1
description xsd:string 0 1
extension Extension 0 *
externalIdentifier ExternalIdentifier 0 *
externalRef ExternalRef 0 *
isDeprecatedAdditionId xsd:boolean 0 1
licenseXml xsd:string 0 1
name xsd:string 0 1
obsoletedBy xsd:string 0 1
seeAlso xsd:anyURI 0 *
spdxId xsd:anyURI 1 1
standardAdditionTemplate xsd:string 0 1
summary xsd:string 0 1
verifiedUsing IntegrityMethod 0 *