

A collection of SPDX Elements describing a single package.


A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a collection of SPDX Elements describing a single package.

This could include details of the content and composition of the product, provenance details of the product and/or its composition, licensing information, known quality or security issues, etc.


Name Sbom
Instantiability Concrete
SubclassOf /Core/Bom

Class hierarchy



Property Type minCount maxCount
sbomType SbomType 0 *

All properties

Property Type minCount maxCount
comment xsd:string 0 1
context xsd:string 0 1
creationInfo CreationInfo 1 1
description xsd:string 0 1
element Element 0 *
extension Extension 0 *
externalIdentifier ExternalIdentifier 0 *
externalRef ExternalRef 0 *
name xsd:string 0 1
profileConformance ProfileIdentifierType 0 *
rootElement Element 0 *
sbomType SbomType 0 *
spdxId xsd:anyURI 1 1
summary xsd:string 0 1
verifiedUsing IntegrityMethod 0 *