
 1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 spdx contributors
 3# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 4from beartype.typing import Any, Type
 6from spdx_tools.spdx.jsonschema.converter import TypedConverter
 7from spdx_tools.spdx.jsonschema.json_property import JsonProperty
 8from spdx_tools.spdx.jsonschema.relationship_properties import RelationshipProperty
 9from spdx_tools.spdx.model import Document, Relationship
12class RelationshipConverter(TypedConverter[Relationship]):
13    def _get_property_value(
14        self, relationship: Relationship, relationship_property: RelationshipProperty, document: Document = None
15    ) -> Any:
16        if relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.SPDX_ELEMENT_ID:
17            return relationship.spdx_element_id
18        elif relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.COMMENT:
19            return relationship.comment
20        elif relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.RELATED_SPDX_ELEMENT:
21            return str(relationship.related_spdx_element_id)
22        elif relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE:
23            return relationship.relationship_type.name
25    def get_json_type(self) -> Type[JsonProperty]:
26        return RelationshipProperty
28    def get_data_model_type(self) -> Type[Relationship]:
29        return Relationship
13class RelationshipConverter(TypedConverter[Relationship]):
14    def _get_property_value(
15        self, relationship: Relationship, relationship_property: RelationshipProperty, document: Document = None
16    ) -> Any:
17        if relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.SPDX_ELEMENT_ID:
18            return relationship.spdx_element_id
19        elif relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.COMMENT:
20            return relationship.comment
21        elif relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.RELATED_SPDX_ELEMENT:
22            return str(relationship.related_spdx_element_id)
23        elif relationship_property == RelationshipProperty.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE:
24            return relationship.relationship_type.name
26    def get_json_type(self) -> Type[JsonProperty]:
27        return RelationshipProperty
29    def get_data_model_type(self) -> Type[Relationship]:
30        return Relationship

Base class for all converters between an instance of the tools-python data model and the corresponding dictionary representation, following the json schema. The generic type T is the type according to the data model. Each converter has several methods:

  • get_json_type and get_data_model_type: return the data model type and the corresponding JsonProperty subclass. These methods are abstract in the base class and need to be implemented in subclasses.
  • json_property_name: converts an enum value of a JsonProperty subclass to the corresponding property name in the json schema. The default implementation simply converts from snake case to camel case. Can be overridden in case of exceptions like "SPDXID".
  • convert: converts an instance of type T (one of the data model types) to a dictionary representation. In some cases, the full document is required (see below). The logic should be generic for all types.
  • requires_full_document: indicates whether the full document is required for conversion. Returns False by default, can be overridden as needed for specific types.
  • _get_property_value: Retrieves the value of a specific json property from the data model instance. In some cases, the full document is required.
def get_json_type(self) -> type[spdx_tools.spdx.jsonschema.json_property.JsonProperty]:
26    def get_json_type(self) -> Type[JsonProperty]:
27        return RelationshipProperty
def get_data_model_type(self) -> type[spdx_tools.spdx.model.relationship.Relationship]:
29    def get_data_model_type(self) -> Type[Relationship]:
30        return Relationship