Class MavenToSpdxLicenseMapper


public class MavenToSpdxLicenseMapper extends Object
Singleton class which maps Maven license objects to SPDX licenses.

The license mapping uses the JSON file from the file

If the site is not accessible, then static version of the file will be used

The seeAlso property of the SPDX file is matched to the Maven license URL.

Gary O'Neall
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static MavenToSpdxLicenseMapper getInstance() throws LicenseMapperException
    • urlToSpdxId

      public String urlToSpdxId(String url)
      url - URL string for a license
      SPDX ID associated with the URL
    • mavenLicenseListToSpdxV2License

      public org.spdx.library.model.v2.license.AnyLicenseInfo mavenLicenseListToSpdxV2License(List<org.apache.maven.model.License> licenseList, org.spdx.library.model.v2.SpdxDocument spdxDoc) throws org.spdx.core.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
      Map a list of Maven licenses to an SPDX Spec version 2 license. If no licenses are supplied, SpdxNoAssertion license is returned. if a single license is supplied, and a URL can be found matching a listed license, the listed license is returned. if a single license is supplied, and a URL can not be found matching a listed license, SpdxNoAssertion is returned. If multiple licenses are supplied, a conjunctive license is returned containing all mapped SPDX licenses.
      licenseList - list of licenses
      spdxDoc - SPDX document which will hold the licenses
      SPDX license which matches the list of maven licenses
      org.spdx.core.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException - on SPDX parsing errors
    • mavenLicenseListToSpdxV3License

      public org.spdx.library.model.v3_0_1.simplelicensing.AnyLicenseInfo mavenLicenseListToSpdxV3License(List<org.apache.maven.model.License> licenseList, org.spdx.library.model.v3_0_1.core.Element spdxDoc) throws org.spdx.core.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
      Map a list of Maven licenses to an SPDX Spec version 2 license. If no licenses are supplied, SpdxNoAssertion license is returned. if a single license is supplied, and a URL can be found matching a listed license, the listed license is returned. if a single license is supplied, and a URL can not be found matching a listed license, SpdxNoAssertion is returned. If multiple licenses are supplied, a conjunctive license is returned containing all mapped SPDX licenses.
      licenseList - list of Maven licenses
      spdxDoc - SPDX document which will hold the licenses
      SPDX version 3 license equivalent to the list of Maven licenses
      org.spdx.core.InvalidSPDXAnalysisException - On SPDX parsing errors
    • getMap

      public Map<String,String> getMap()
      Map of URL's to listed license ID's