All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description CoreModelObject Superclass for all SPDX model objectsCoreModelObject.CoreModelObjectBuilder Base builder class for all model objectsDefaultModelStore Singleton class to hold a default model store used when no model store is providedDefaultStoreNotInitializedException Exception where the default store is used before it has been initializedDuplicateSpdxIdException Exception for duplicate SPDX ID creationsHtmlTemplateOutputHandler License template output handler for generating an HTML version of a license from a license template.IExternalElementInfo Information about an Element which is external to the collection or storeILicenseTemplateOutputHandler Handles output for parsed license templatesIModelCopyManager Implementation classes of this interface helps facilitate copying objects from one model to another.IModelStore Service Provider Interface for storing and retrieving SPDX properties from the underlying store.IModelStore.IdType Different types of ID'sIModelStore.IModelStoreLock IModelStore.ModelUpdate IndividualUriValue Implementation classes of theIndividualUriValue
stores a single URI valueInvalidLicenseTemplateException Exceptions related to invalid license templatesInvalidSPDXAnalysisException Exception for invalid SPDX DocumentsInvalidSpdxPropertyException Invalid property name or value for an SPDX itemISerializableModelStore A model store that can be serialized and de-serialized to and from aStream
ISpdxModelInfo Interface for SPDX model informationLicenseParserException Exception caused by an invalid license expressionLicenseTemplateRule Implements a license ruleLicenseTemplateRule.RuleType LicenseTemplateRuleException Exception for license template rulesLicenseTextHelper Static helper class for comparing license textLineColumn Holds information on lines and columnsModelCollection<T> Collection of elements stored in a ModelStoreModelObjectHelper A set of static methods to help with common ModelObject functionsModelRegistry Singleton class which contains a registry of SPDX model versionsModelRegistryException Exceptions related to a model registryModelSet<T> A ModelCollection implemented as a set where all items in the collection are unique based on equality (not based on equivalence).NotEquivalentReason Records details when two model objects are compared and are determined to not be equivalentNotEquivalentReason.NotEquivalent Enum representing the reasons why two model objects are not equivalent.NullModelStore Null model store to be used with constants and individualsPropertyDescriptor Holds a description of a property including the property name and property nameSpaceRuntimeSpdxException Runtime Exception wrapper for SPDX exceptions (cause field)SimpleUriValue Simple class to just store a URI valueSpdxCoreConstants Common constants used in the SPDX core librarySpdxCoreConstants.SpdxMajorVersion Enumeration representing the major versions of the SPDX specificationSpdxIdInUseException Exception when an SPDX element is in use (e.g.SpdxIdNotFoundException Exception for no SPDX identifier foundSpdxInvalidIdException Invalid SPDX identifierSpdxInvalidTypeException Invalid type for an SPDX propertySpdxLicenseTemplateHelper Implements common conversion methods for processing SPDX license templatesSpdxObjectNotInStoreException Exception when an SPDX ID or object was not found in a model storeTextTemplateOutputHandler License template output handler for generating a text version of a license from a license templateTypedValue Value which is a stored typed item