10 Other licensing information detected section

10.1 License identifier field

10.1.1 Description

Provide a locally unique identifier to refer to licenses that are not found on the SPDX License List. This unique identifier can then be used in the packages, files and snippets sections of the SPDX document (Clause 7, Clause 8 and Clause 9, respectively). The metadata for the license identifier field is shown in Table 63.

Table 63 — Metadata for the license identifier field

Attribute Value
Required Conditional
Cardinality 0..1 conditional (mandatory, one) if license is not on SPDX License List.
Format "LicenseRef-"[idstring]
[idstring] is a unique string containing letters, numbers, . and/or -.

10.1.2 Intent

Create a human readable short form license identifier for a license not on the SPDX License List. This identifier shall be unique within the SPDX document. In previous versions of SPDX, the references were required to be sequential numbers, but as of version 1.2, creators may specify references that are easier for humans to remember and mentally map.

10.1.3 Examples

EXAMPLE 1 Tag: LicenseID:

LicenseID: LicenseRef-1
LicenseID: LicenseRef-Beerware-4.2

EXAMPLE 2 RDF: Property spdx:licenseID in class spdx:ExtractedLicensingInfo

<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-1">
<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-Beerware-4.2">

10.2 Extracted text field

10.2.1 Description

Provide a copy of the actual text of the license reference extracted from the package, file or snippet that is associated with the License Identifier to aid in future analysis. The metadata for the extracted text field is shown in Table 64.

Table 64 — Metadata for the extracted text field

Attribute Value
Required Conditional
Cardinality 0..1 conditional (Mandatory, one) if there is a License Identifier assigned.
Format Free form text field that may span multiple lines.

10.2.2 Intent

Provide the actual text as found in the package, file or snippet for a license that is not on the SPDX License List.

10.2.3 Examples

EXAMPLE 1 Tag: ExtractedText:

In tag:value format multiple lines are delimited by <text> .. </text>.

If only short reference to license present in File:

ExtractedText: <text>This software is licensed under the Beer License.</text>

If indeed full text of license present in File:

ExtractedText: <text>"THE WHISKEY-WARE LICENSE": whiskeyfan@example.com
wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever
you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff
is worth it, you can buy me a bottle of whiskey in return </text>

EXAMPLE 2 RDF: Property spdx:extractedText in class spdx:ExtractedLicensingInfo

If only short reference to license present in File:

<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-Whiskeyware">
    <extractedText>This software is licensed under the WHISKEY-WARE LICENSE.</extractedText>

If indeed full text of license present in File:

<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-Whiskeyware">
    <extractedText>"THE WHISKEY-WARE LICENSE": whiskeyfan@example.com
    wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do
    whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
    think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a bottle of whiskey
    in return.</extractedText>

10.3 License name field

10.3.1 Description

Provide a common name of the license that is not on the SPDX list.

Use NOASSERTION If there is no common name or it is not known. The metadata for the license name field is shown in Table 65.

Table 65 — Metadata for the license name field

Attribute Value
Required Conditional
Cardinality 0..1 conditional (mandatory, one) if license is not on SPDX License List.
Format Single line of text

10.3.2 Intent

Provides a human readable name suitable for use as a title or label of the license when showing compact lists of licenses from the SPDX document to humans.

10.3.3 Examples

EXAMPLE 1 Tag: LicenseName:

LicenseName: Whiskey-Ware License

EXAMPLE 2 RDF: Property spdx:name in class spdx:ExtractedLicensingInfo

<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-Whiskey-Ware">
   <name>Whiskey-Ware License </name>

10.4 License cross reference field

10.4.1 Description

Provide a pointer to the official source of a license that is not included in the SPDX License List, that is referenced by the License Identifier. The metadata for the license cross reference field is shown in Table 66.

Table 66 — Metadata for the license cross reference field

Attribute Value
Required Conditional
Cardinality 0..* conditional (optional, one or more) if license is not on SPDX License List.
Format Uniform Resource Locator

10.4.2 Intent

Canonical source for a license currently not on the SPDX License List.

10.4.3 Examples

EXAMPLE 1 Tag: LicenseCrossReference:

LicenseCrossReference: http://people.freebsd.org/~phk/

EXAMPLE 2 RDF: Property rdfs:seeAlso in class spdx:ExtractedLicensingInfo

<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-1">

10.5 License comment field

10.5.1 Description

This field provides a place for the SPDX document creator to record any general comments about the license. The metadata for the license comment field is shown in Table 67.

Table 67 — Metadata for the license comment field

Attribute Value
Required No
Cardinality 0..1
Format Free form text that can span multiple lines

10.5.2 Intent

Here, the intent is to provide the recipient of the SPDX document with more information determined after careful analysis of a license, or addition cross references.

10.5.3 Examples

EXAMPLE 1 Tag: LicenseComment:

In tag:value format multiple lines are delimited by <text> .. </text>.

LicenseComment: <text>The Whiskey-Ware License has a couple
of other standard variants.</text>

EXAMPLE 2 RDF: Property rdfs:comment in class spdx:ExtractedLicensingInfo

<ExtractedLicensingInfo rdf:about="licenseRef-1">
    <rdfs:comment> The Whiskey-Ware License has a couple of
    other standard variants.</rdfs:comment>